Monday, August 18, 2008

its a cruel sport

On Saturday I arrived at Lake with the best intentions to perform well in the 8km race that they had on there. I arrived to poor weather with constant snowfall and at times a gusty wind. Had a good warm up and the TC decided that she too would race. Lining up on the start line there was a smattering of different levels of skiers including some national level skiers. I had a poor start to say the least with someone cutting me off and getting my pole stuck under some one's ski.
We raced along my favourite trail in reverse (Jubilee) which I had forgotten was bloody hard in reverse. I started in the red zone and could never come out of it. Every climb was killing me not to mention getting stuck behind a few skiers on some of the steeper pinches. I never really got into the grove and suffered greatly.
I managed to also get caught up in a fall as someone went over in front of me. So all in all it was a bit of a fizzer and shows that I need to race more next season.
I did managed to get out on the 29er yesterday to try and recover a bit ( or so I thought) and rode some of the nice flat Yarra Trails out my end which despite the recent rain were in good condition. I was invited to join the latest Felt Epix ride but declined as I hadn't ridden for a month and given there abilities didn't want to hold em back given my lack of fitness (way to fast those lads). I had also toyed with the idea of the last Chase the Sun but knowing that the trails were going to be sodden, no team and lack of recent riding I also gave it a miss.
This week sees me try and recover some more with only one light ski which was supposed to be today but I was too fucked to get up and go. Then a road trip to the north east to Falls to scope out the course and my abilities for the Birkie. I am having a crazy idea that the full marathon distance might be the go as the snow is spot on and the weather cold. But time will tell!
Happy tracks or trails which ever you are on!

Please note the happy smiles on the dials before the race.... they were not there at the end!

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