Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Well I am unsure were to go to from here, commitments are due to stuff other than bikes at the moment. Due to the NZ trip I have had to for go some other up coming races. The 50km single speed at Woodend has clashed with the Gravity 12hr this year, 2 events I normally get in each year but I have to work that weekend as I begged borrowed and sold my soul to get the NZ time off.
The only goal on the horizon is training up for the Alpine Classic on Australia day weekend. This is going to take a fair bit of effort as I need to commit to some weight loss and decent kilometre count.
I am committing myself to Wednesday nights with alternate weeks attending Fatties group rides and the other doing a summer crit on the dirt out at Lysterfield as NZ showed me that whilst fit to a degree, I had no speed whatsoever. Hopefully getting smashed on Wednesday nights starting tomorrow night will get me sorted in that department.
I am looking to maybe and that's a big maybe that I attend the Otway next year but I will make that decision soon.
I need to reign in the eating pattern as I am consuming enough food at the moment to feed a village in a 3rd world country and any weight loss, even a small one will benefit me beyond doubt.
Plans, always need one so focusing on January will be the main one for now. I nee to sort out the road bike from its winter commute and dedicate some time for some nice hills out in the Yarra Valley, in other words staying away from the beach! It has to be quality kilometers for the next couple of months both on the dirt and the road.
So time to shame myself with the weigh in!
Happy trails and get out there!

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