Wednesday, July 4, 2007

funny shit I see at work

Ok as some might know I work in a ICU. The thing is that we often get paper work, stories, hear or see things that make us laugh. This is one example that I see from time to time and had to share it.
At one stage this chart was part of a study that was performed where we had to rate stools....thats right people how good is your poo!. I thought it almost worthy to be printed on a T shirt for a laugh. Now according to the Bristol stool chart there are several types of stool;
If I had type 1 stool, personally I would expect to be small and fluffy with big ears and found in a paddock....yep you guessed it.... a rabbit.
Mmmm Type 4, thats one snake not to be messed with. Treat it carefully and lets face it, its not a sausage you want to share at a BBQ.
Type 5 ...McDonalds Mcnuggetts goes in and comes out just as it started....shit!
Type 6 and 7 we all know. We have all experienced it after a night out on the grog with dodgy take away!

This next picture shows a 12 lead ECG. Its a pretty standard find in a medical history. The ECG is a electrical picture of someones heart. It should be all in straight lines with the various electrical pathways. This patient I think was trying to impress the female nurses. Go on work it out! ......Trust me it shouldnt look like John Holmes tockley!!

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