Friday, August 1, 2008

smashed and still cracking the whip

Two big days on the snow for some endurance training has smashed me. I skied some of my favourite trails and did so at a cracking pace yesterday that has left me empty and tired today. I decided not to ski today and to have a sleep in. I might head back tomorrow, but I can say all is slowly coming together for the end of August. I have a post Tour hangover and am trying to catch a little sleep that I missed out on in the last 3 weeks. Bikes have been missing from the exercise of late due to the heavy ski workload but I will get out maybe on the weekend if time and weather allows. Anyway enough for now!
Happy trails or tracks!

Ps thought the picture was appropiate

1 comment:

Gunsle said...

That pic is appropriate for any occasion in my opinion.

where u been skiing big fella? Lake Mountain?
What's it like ATM?