Monday, October 20, 2008

these don't mix well

So much for dividing a road into specific lanes. Nothing pisses me off more than people trying to use a bike lane to there advantage when they are in a car or on a motorcycle. On the way home today from work whilst cruising through school mum traffic in East Ivanhoe a tool on a motor bike pops in the bike lane, chopping my line to try and get the jump in the traffic. He was slowing me down so when I pull up next to him and gave him the "what the fuck are you doing speech" as we rolled along in the bike lane, he looked a little perplexed. I gladly flipped him the bird and told him to fuck off and eat some dick!
I am all for sharing the road but stay out of a defined lane meant for cyclists! Given the last 24hrs on the roads of Melburn is it any wonder that cyclists are seriously injury or killed.
I have been sneaking in the km's and got a decent ride in through Research and Kangaroo Ground yesterday which gave me some nice hill time with no traffic lights. So fingers crossed that I end up with some good legs for Saturday at the Surfcoast 6hr.
Happy rolling!


TheKillerAnt said...

hey cam, the pic on the post below with the echidna, where abouts is that single track ur MTB is lying on its side at??

Mak said...

Sorry cant give away its secret location as it is out of bounds to bikes and too many will spoil it for the few

TheKillerAnt said...

i understand